This group provide services in both the hardware and software domain be it a digital circuit designing or software development/embedded software.
Moreover we deal in telecom aspect also like telecom domain training, RF optimization, quality management
We do have a range of products also around information/network security like VPN gateway, Firewall, Intrusion Detection and Prevention System etc
We have an expertise in :
a) Visual C#, Visual Basic, Java/JSP
b) PHP, C/C++
d) Nanonote
e) Embedded Linux/ARM Linux
f) ucLinux/Snapgear Linux/OpenWRT
g) MySQL
h) Linux Administration

Sunday, August 21, 2011

goJTAG : Test Electronic Components

goJTAG : Electronic Component Tester

In Embedded Domain or an electronic industry, there has been always a fight for testing the electronic components like Integrated Circuits/Chips (IC) etc. Due to faulty components, lot of time is wasted just for debugging the hardware.

It has always been a complaint of every hardware designer and tester that they are not getting the working electronic components or they have tried all permutations and combinations for getting the hardware working but the end of the day they found that the hardware itself specially the IC is faulty.

So in order to avoid such conditions, "Tallinn and Ilmenau", scientists from University of Technology (Estonia and Germany) developed first university driven open source project aiming at providing a full package for a JTAG newcorner.

goJTAG, test system consists of a combination of hardware and software, and is used to check that digital and analogue electronic components are free of errors. The software includes a simulation component that fully illustrates the underlying concept of JTAG Boundary Scan.

goJTAG software allows users to study boundary-scan techniques, to carry out their own experiments, to perform diagnosis, and much more. The software environment comes with a built-in example project, and users can create their own projects with descriptions of boards, chips, cluster logic, and so on.

With goJTAG you can:

  • Look inside Boundary Scan cells;
  • Walk through TAP controller states;
  • Utilize a Boundary Scan controller;
  • Inject faults and observe their effects;
  • Connect your hardware and control it;
  • Build your programs and execute SVFs;
  • Create a representation of your own board design and simulate boundary scan on it;
  • Import your BSDL files (see www.bsdl.info)

For Further Details go to : http://www.gojtag.com/

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